How and why to make an equality plan in your technology company


Entrepreneurship has become one of the most widespread work cultures of the digital period. A business phenomenon that has its origins in the impact of technology on our society, being able to form a competitive business model directly on the world-wide-web.

However, corporations born today are equally obliged to respect the legal parameters of the corporate fabric. Even more so as they grow. Equality plans have a lot to say in this respect and you should therefore be aware of this from the very first minute.

Cómo y por qué hacer un plan de igualdad en tu empresa tecnológica

What is an equality plan and when should you have one?

Gender equality is a particularly important issue in this day and age and it is essential that all business models are committed to it. This also applies to new technology companies which, despite working remotely and directly via the internet, already have several employees. To this end, the consultancy firm Rap Informes is of great interest and, as we can see on its website, is helping modern entrepreneurs to design a programme with all the measures that promote equal opportunities for men and women.

The aim is to break any kind of inertia that could lead to a situation of gender discrimination. This consultancy firm, which uses the latest technological tools to attend to its clients also virtually, is in charge of creating a set of guidelines so that equal treatment and opportunities are not affected for reasons of gender. In fact, this has recently affected SMEs, a sector that is booming thanks to the business phenomenon of the world wide web environment. Since 7 March last year, any corporation with more than 50 employees has had to set up an equality system.

Failure to do so can result in heavy penalties, ranging from 626 euros to up to 6,250 euros. Furthermore, if it is a measure ordered by a labour authority after a review and it is not carried out, the fine could be as high as 225,018 euros. A figure that demonstrates the central role that equality plays nowadays and that encourages business models of any economic activity, whether physical or on the internet, to resort to high-level consultancies such as Rap Reports.

How an Equality Strategy is done today

Having seen the importance of the Equality Approach within the business fabric, it is necessary to comment on the role that Rap Informes assumes in this equation. This consultancy firm’s approach is comprehensive, that is to say, it tackles each of the phases of the implementation of these measures and adapts the strategy to the specific needs of the company. Because a business with hundreds of employees is not the same as one with barely more than 50.

As we have been saying, one of the advantages of relying on consultants such as Rap Informes is that they use the latest technological resources to execute their functions telematically. The net environment is synonymous with efficiency and with this firm you finally have the opportunity to save precious time when it comes to administrative procedures.

Rap Informes has designed a tailor-made methodology for this purpose. After signing the commitment with their clients and setting up a Negotiating Committee, they carry out a diagnostic phase in which they gather all the foundation information about the company in question. They then go on to draw up the Equality System, with its respective negotiation and final approval, taking the document to the Register of Collective Bargaining Agreements and Agreements.

A crucially important service that companies, despite being in the technology market and not following the corporate routine of the rest of the companies, must contract in order to maintain an optimal working environment.