How to learn languages with mobile apps


Learning French, German, Italian, or any other language is extremely important to communicate with people in different countries. While many people tend to learn languages as a hobby, for vacation purposes, or other similar reasons, some people use languages as an extremely useful tool for their work environment.

If you are tired of trying to learn a language by enrolling in hard and boring courses, there is a solution for you: learning a language with a mobile app. Many language apps like Duolingo or Babbel, allow you to dive into another language and even learn a little bit about the culture, while only demanding a few minutes per day. If you are interested in learning languages with mobile apps, this article is for you.

Is theory necessary?

In short, yes. Just like with a regular course, it is necessary to learn the theoretical linguistic base of a language, but what it is most necessary of all, is to practice this language. Nowadays, apps are designed to help you learn a language, here you can easily read the theoretical content about the language, but the most interesting and fun part about the app, is practicing the language.

Many apps designed to help you learn a language, include these game-like experiences when practicing a new language. These apps help you immerse better into the language, by letting you enjoy a direct and practical session of your favorite language, ideal for both, children and adults.

What is the best way to learn a language with a mobile app? Tips and tricks

While learning a language with an app is relatively easy, there are many tips and tricks which will allow you to further develop your learning process. Here are some of the most important tips:

Watch movies in your new language

Movies are one of the most popular contents consumed by many, which is why they are excellent for further developing your learning experience of a language. If you are not a movie kind of person, but you enjoy more TV shows, this is also a valid option to help you improve your new language.

Listen to music featuring the new language

Music is one of the best ways to learn a language. By using music, you can practice a language while enjoying your favorite bands, you can learn the right pronunciation of a specific word, and you have another tool to keep on practicing your new language.

What are the best apps to learn a language?

If you are looking to learn a new language by using an app, you must know the best options available. Here are some of the most popular apps that have proven to deliver some of the best results.


Duolingo is one of the most complete and versatile language learning apps available. The service offered by Duolingo includes widely complete theoretical content about the different language usage, accessible online through the website. After you are finished reading each chapter, you can open the app and start practicing the chapter.

Duolingo features several techniques to help you easily learn a language. You can use Duolingo to learn how to write a language, how to order words into sentences, but this app also tests your pronunciation and it also tests how much do you understand the spoken language.


Babbel does not feature the most cutting-edge user interface, but the content on this app is extremely complete. This app features around 14 languages, using pre-recorded content to help you ease your way into your new language.

Some apps like Duolingo, force you to go through each level, with Babbel you can switch language levels as you see fit, varying on how much proficiency you have with each language. Babbel helps you learn a language by doing the following: expand your vocabulary, improve your grammar, and finally create sentence structures.

One of the best ways to learn a language and be able to use it is to learn proper conversational skills. This is exactly what Babbel does for you, this app helps you improve not only your basic skill, but it helps you further develop your abilities, to help you to be able to maintain a proper conversation in that language.